Weight loss can be intentional, or even unintentional. Unintentional weight loss (or: is Algosod) is introduced (Symptom) of symptoms that require medical assessment, and due to the presence of medical conditions can cause the appearance of these symptoms. The sharp decline in weight and unintentional in adults and children is due, mostly, to a physical reason may pose a life-threatening in some cases.
Enabled the classification of the causes of unintentional weight loss, in general, to reasons related to lower the amount of calories (calories - Calory) consumed in food, Ptdharr mechanics of food absorption in the digestive tract or the body to consume large amounts of energy.
Decrease consumption calorimetry may occur in a variety of cases, is common among them is loss of appetite as a result of circumstances or causes physical or psychological (Anorexia). Physical causes of the loss of many and varied appetite: disease Tlutah infectious (Infectious diseases) in the digestive tract, and other infections such as pneumonia (Pneumonia) or infections are chronic such as AIDS (AIDS), tuberculosis (TB - Tuberculosis) and endocarditis (Endocarditis).
Malignant diseases (Malignant diseases), such as gastrointestinal tract tumors or other tumors spread, also contribute to the occurrence of loss of appetite.
Another group of diseases are diseases that affect the metabolic processes (metabolism - Metabolism) in the body, such as Alauremyh (uremia - urine accumulate in the blood - Uremia) and diabetes. Congestive heart failure (Congestive heart failure) on the right side can also constitute an offer to unintentional weight loss.
Also take drugs that cause chemotherapy, too, reduced appetite and weight loss.
Psychological causes that may lead to weight loss include: loss of appetite neurotic (Anorexia nervosa), bulimia nervosa (Bulimia nervosa) and clinical depression. Loss of appetite neurotic happen, specifically, when teenage girls, with an estimated prevalence among this group rose 1% - 2%. It represents a common cause of weight loss that is displayed on the surrounding environment as an "inadvertent." In adults, in contrast, clinical depression is a most common cause of weight loss, which is a cause for about 10% of cases of weight loss in this age group.
Swallowing disorders may be, too, the cause of the decline in the amount of calories consumed in weight loss, thus. These disorders different sources, such as painful sores in the mouth cavity, pain in the throat while swallowing (sore throat Altluta - Laryngitis), blockage of the esophagus (because of a tumor, for example) and the disorder in the mobility of the esophagus. Also, diseases that cause vomiting lead, too, to a decrease in food intake and to lose weight. This group of diseases, including infectious diseases, diseases metabolic (Metabolic diseases) and diseases lead to blockages in the digestive tract, such as pyloric stenosis (Pyloric stenosis) in children (the doorman - Pylorus is the bottom of the stomach, which opens in the first part of the twelve) .
In addition, most of the malignant disease can cause weight loss. Between the elderly, for example, you are diagnosed with a malignant disease, usually, in 20% of patients who complain of a sharp drop in weight. In fact, the first show, which refers to the presence of the disease in many malignant tumors, is unintentional weight loss. For example, the most common cancer that manifests itself losing weight before the emergence of any other symptoms is a cancer originating in the digestive system, especially colorectal cancer. Malignant diseases of the liver and pancreas, as well as lymphoma and leukemia - all of which caused a sharp decline in body weight. Reason for the low body weight in malignant diseases, it appears, is a combination of reduced appetite and increase the amount of energy consumed by the body.
Another disease that causes weight loss, caused by increasing the body's energy consumption, is hyperthyroidism (increased activity of the thyroid - Hyperthyroidism).
Weight Loss is deliberate in the body requires a medical examination. Intentional weight loss is common, especially among overweight people who are trying to reduce their body weights. Intentional weight loss requires reducing the amount of calories consumed (low calorie diet), together with the increase in energy consumption in the body (physical activity). The recommended way to reduce weight in people who are overweight are combining diet low calories and increase exercise. Consultation is recommended, too, with a nutritionist for the convenience of weight reduction program that includes a balanced diet with a change in eating habits and physical activity.
Enabled the classification of the causes of unintentional weight loss, in general, to reasons related to lower the amount of calories (calories - Calory) consumed in food, Ptdharr mechanics of food absorption in the digestive tract or the body to consume large amounts of energy.
Decrease consumption calorimetry may occur in a variety of cases, is common among them is loss of appetite as a result of circumstances or causes physical or psychological (Anorexia). Physical causes of the loss of many and varied appetite: disease Tlutah infectious (Infectious diseases) in the digestive tract, and other infections such as pneumonia (Pneumonia) or infections are chronic such as AIDS (AIDS), tuberculosis (TB - Tuberculosis) and endocarditis (Endocarditis).
Malignant diseases (Malignant diseases), such as gastrointestinal tract tumors or other tumors spread, also contribute to the occurrence of loss of appetite.
Another group of diseases are diseases that affect the metabolic processes (metabolism - Metabolism) in the body, such as Alauremyh (uremia - urine accumulate in the blood - Uremia) and diabetes. Congestive heart failure (Congestive heart failure) on the right side can also constitute an offer to unintentional weight loss.
Also take drugs that cause chemotherapy, too, reduced appetite and weight loss.
Psychological causes that may lead to weight loss include: loss of appetite neurotic (Anorexia nervosa), bulimia nervosa (Bulimia nervosa) and clinical depression. Loss of appetite neurotic happen, specifically, when teenage girls, with an estimated prevalence among this group rose 1% - 2%. It represents a common cause of weight loss that is displayed on the surrounding environment as an "inadvertent." In adults, in contrast, clinical depression is a most common cause of weight loss, which is a cause for about 10% of cases of weight loss in this age group.
Swallowing disorders may be, too, the cause of the decline in the amount of calories consumed in weight loss, thus. These disorders different sources, such as painful sores in the mouth cavity, pain in the throat while swallowing (sore throat Altluta - Laryngitis), blockage of the esophagus (because of a tumor, for example) and the disorder in the mobility of the esophagus. Also, diseases that cause vomiting lead, too, to a decrease in food intake and to lose weight. This group of diseases, including infectious diseases, diseases metabolic (Metabolic diseases) and diseases lead to blockages in the digestive tract, such as pyloric stenosis (Pyloric stenosis) in children (the doorman - Pylorus is the bottom of the stomach, which opens in the first part of the twelve) .
In addition, most of the malignant disease can cause weight loss. Between the elderly, for example, you are diagnosed with a malignant disease, usually, in 20% of patients who complain of a sharp drop in weight. In fact, the first show, which refers to the presence of the disease in many malignant tumors, is unintentional weight loss. For example, the most common cancer that manifests itself losing weight before the emergence of any other symptoms is a cancer originating in the digestive system, especially colorectal cancer. Malignant diseases of the liver and pancreas, as well as lymphoma and leukemia - all of which caused a sharp decline in body weight. Reason for the low body weight in malignant diseases, it appears, is a combination of reduced appetite and increase the amount of energy consumed by the body.
Another disease that causes weight loss, caused by increasing the body's energy consumption, is hyperthyroidism (increased activity of the thyroid - Hyperthyroidism).
Weight Loss is deliberate in the body requires a medical examination. Intentional weight loss is common, especially among overweight people who are trying to reduce their body weights. Intentional weight loss requires reducing the amount of calories consumed (low calorie diet), together with the increase in energy consumption in the body (physical activity). The recommended way to reduce weight in people who are overweight are combining diet low calories and increase exercise. Consultation is recommended, too, with a nutritionist for the convenience of weight reduction program that includes a balanced diet with a change in eating habits and physical activity.
Natural weight loss solutions